2. Symposium des VDOE-Arbeitskreises Internationale Berufspolitik
2. Symposium of the VDOE-Working Group International Professional Policy
Der VDOE-Arbeitskreis Internationale Berufspolitik (AK-IBP) organisierte am Mittwoch, den 15. Juni 2022 von 10:00 bis 13:45 Uhr sein zweites Symposium. Unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Shoma Barbara Berkemeyer werden zwei Keynote Speaker zu folgenden Themen referieren:
Ultra-processed foods have known negative implications for health; however, their effect on skeletal development has never been explored.
We show that young rats fed ultra-processed food rich in fat and sugar suffer from growth retardation due to lesions in their growth plates. The structural parameters of the bone deteriorate, presenting a sieve-like appearance in the cortices and poor trabecular parameters in long bones and vertebrae. This results in inferior mechanical performance of the entire bone with a high fracture risk. Transcriptome and microbiome analyses shed lights on the possible mechanisms underlying these phenotypes. Our findings highlight, for the first time, the severe impact of consuming ultra-processed foods on the growing skeleton. This pathology extends far beyond that explained by the known metabolic effects, highlighting bone as a new target for studies of modern diets.
Billionaire investors decided to eliminate animal agriculture and backed with billions of dollars technologies and companies they hoped would help them achieve that goal. But their investments are going sour. Consumer trends in nutrition and health are more complex and nuanced than the billionaires understood.
Im Anschluss an die Vorträge wird eine offene Podiumsdiskussion mit den Referent*innen stattfinden.
Anmeldeschluss ist der 13.06.2022
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15.06.2022 13:45
Anbieter VDOE
Gesamtanzahl Plätze 250 (212 frei)
Veranstaltungstyp: Fachvortrag
Anrechenbare Tage Erstzertifizierung:
Kategorie Nachzertifizierung: Kongresse / Tagungen
Anrechenbare Punkte Nachzertifizierung: 3